- Save the Date – Friday, October 18, 2024
- Hilton Garden Inn – Southpointe

Dancing for a Cause
“Dancing for a Cause” offers food, entertainment and all the pizzazz of a floor show. Stars will be out when local celebrities, hometown heroes and concerned citizens gather to raise funds to help fight child abuse. The main event is dancing, which features celebrities teaming up with professional dance instructors from Arthur Murray Dance Studio. “Dancing for a Cause” has the pizzazz of a floor show with the heart of a charity and all the necessary ingredients for a successful fundraiser. It’s an evening full of fun!

United Way (All Year)
Speak to your employer about making Watchful Shepherd your charity for United Way contributions using:
Contributor Choice #884988
Combined Federal Campaign #9165

Partnership with Alina’s Light
Beginning in Child Abuse Prevention Month, The Watchful Shepherd USA has partnered with Alina’s Light to provide state-of-the-art technology to help potential child abuse and domestic violence victims stay safe. The Watchful Shepherd USA and Alina’s Light, Inc. are now providing a fast way for those in jeopardy for domestic or child abuse to immediately summon emergency support. Created by invisaWear, the jewelry and keychain pieces allow potential victims to discreetly activate ADT technology and send a call for help. The addition of wearable technology now allows the charities to help at-risk kids and domestic violence victims to safely resume regular activities outside of the home.