To report suspected child abuse, call the Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD
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Tracy Walnoha, Executive Director
Jennifer Pierosh, Program Manager

1061 Waterdam Plaza Drive, Suite 204
McMurray PA 15317 US

Phone: (724) 941- 3339

E-Mail: [email protected]

Mon-Fri: 9-5
Sat-Sun: Closed

Suggested criteria to guide referrals to the Watchful Shepherd program

Any agency or court may utilize the Watchful Shepherd program to protect children and families from abuse in the home. The only criteria is that a child lives or visits in the home where the Watchful Shepherd is placed. Children and Youth Services as well as other agencies have the units necessary to use at their discretion with the families in their care..

Identify possible subject family via Risk Assessment, Family Group Decision Making, Court order, CASA recommendation and Safety Planning.

Note: Watchful Shepherd is only one part of a Safety Plan. InHome Services and other safety planning measures must be put in place in conjunction with the Watchful Shepherd. It is not a stand alone safety

Sexual abuse with perpetrator access to victim – the family has been reunified or resuming visitation in the home and the Watchful Shepherd monitoring would support the Safety Plan. Sibling may be on Juvenile Probation for sexual abuse in the family and the family is reunited.

Domestic Violence – is a major factor in the case and Watchful Shepherd monitoring would support

Safety Plan. In some instances victim intimidation during hearings and trials can be reduced with this safety tool in the home.

PFA or modified no contact the family has had a PFA or No Contact modified to “no unlawful contact” allowing the perpetrator in the home. Watchful Shepherd monitoring would support the Safety
Plan. Substance Abuse – is a major factor in the case and Watchful Shepherd monitoring would support the Safety Plan.

Relative Placement for Safety Reasons – a child is living in a relative’s home and the Watchful Shepherd monitoring would assist in ensuring that the perpetrator does not remove the child from the home or threaten any family violence.

Foster Parent Support – a child in placed in a Foster Home and the biological family poses some threat or harassment to the Foster Parents. The Watchful Shepherd monitoring would provide needed emotional support for the Foster Family. Relieve anxiety for the entire foster family upon arrival of new child.

Medical problems a child has any medical problems that might go unattended and Watchful Shepherd would provide extra safety measures for the family. Mental health treatment may continue with the Watchful Shepherd in place to protect the child or family members from any incidents.

Children or Caregivers with Disabilities – a child or caregiver has any disability that would interfere with safety plan. Watchful Shepherd would provide added safety measures for the entire family.

  • Watchful Shepherd can be adapted to be used by any child or caregiver with limited physical abilities. The manufacturer of the communicator units can provide a selection of electronic switches specially designed for minute movements for children or caregivers who are unable to press the standard PHB. A healthcare professional familiar with the child can help select the required equipment. There would be an additional charge and must be approved by the local Watchful Shepherd program coordinator.